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KUMON > For Parents > Parents & Student Testimonials


Jayden Lim (Kumon Maths and Kumon English student)

I was happy to go to Kumon. It was something new and exciting for me. I got to play with numbers and learnt new things. Even now, I am still happy to go to my Kumon classes.

Ms Pat Li (Mother of a Kumon student)

I believe this constant reminder of the intention and purpose of doing Kumon to both ourselves and Luis anchors a long-term direction towards achieving his goal of being a Kumon Completer.

Mr Araki (Father of Kumon student; former Kumon student)

I wanted Kaisei to gain the confidence which comes with being strong in a particular subject. I think this brings out the drive to be equally confident in other subjects and the will to reach for higher grades.